Thursday 3 May 2012



           At  this pleasing moment of having successfully completed our project, we wish to convey  our sincere thanks and gratitude to the management of our college and our beloved chairman Mr……………., who provided all the facilities to us.
         We would like to express our sincere thanks to our principle Prof ……………., for forwarding us to do our project and offering adequate duration in completing our project .
        We are also grateful to the Head Of Department Prof…………. and our class teacher Prof………… for his constructive suggestions & encouragement during our project .
       With deep sense of gratitude, we are extend our earnest& sincere thanks to our guide Prof………….. & coguide Prof……….., Department ……..Engg. for his kind guidence & encouragement during this project.
       Last but not least, we also express my sincere gratitude to My Parents whose silent presence always inspire me to do my best and all staff members of Mechanical Department and all my friends for their support.

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